Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hubble Telescope’s 20th Anniversary

Today marked the Hubble Telescope’s 20th Anniversary of being up in space.  This video is damn nerdy haha, but it goes through everything that the telescope has done in its lifetime.  Also here is the link for the official press release.  Pretty cool!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chris Matthews and Bill Maher

These are two of my favorite people and they both know exactly what they are talking about.  An added bonus as always are the Matthews’ “HA’s”.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Neko Case – This Tornado Loves You

I have been listening to this song nonstop as of late.  I would like to go see a show of hers in some remote place surrounded by mountains or something.  Her voice just seems like it comes from there.  At any rate I like live performances, so I may as well post this bad boy.