Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You’re a Rock n’ Roll Suicide

One of my favorite Bowie songs, Rock ‘n Roll Suicide.  Man he is something else.  Of course I thought about it when I was lighting up a cigarette.  Back to the blogs for this dog.  It has been awhile.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox, Hello Foxy

I can never get enough of Wes Anderson.  When I heard he was going to do a stop animation movie, I had a feeling it would be pretty cool because he pays such attention to detail.  Now that the movie has been out on DVD and BlueRay for a bit, I finally was able to pick this up (thanks Heather) and I have been pretty obsessed with this movie ever since.  Here are a couple videos I found on youtube that can give you a pretty good idea of how this movie is.

I love how when the animals swear they replace the word with “cuss”.  Below is a video montage that has every “cuss” in the film.  So good!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Water in the form of ice found on asteroid

A new stunning discovery concluded that the asteroid named Themis, which is currently between Jupiter and Saturn, has frozen water on it.  I found this article at MSNBC here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36830453/ns/technology_and_science-space/

I am happy that this discovery was made for a number of reasons.  First and foremost I really like science and the cosmos.  Secondly, Obama has been backing explorations to an asteroid, so this gives us all the more reason to go and it will keep his skeptics quiet.  Third and probably the most important, this could give us a little clarity on how water came to Earth.  Water covers so much of our planet, yet our planet was formed well before water was ever present.  Fascinating news and I hope we get some further exploration on that big baby Themis.  And that photo is damn cool haha.

The National - Terrible Love – Pitchfork TV Shoot

Take a peep at this super high quality shoot from PitchforkTV of The National performing Terrible Love in an old castle.  Pretty fuckin sweet!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

You and you’re sister live in a Lemonworld

I am sure at this point my National posts get old, but what can I say this stuff happens when a new album is about to be released.  One of my favorite songs on High Violet is Lemonworld.  If you read the article on the NY Times site, they almost dropped this song, and I am very happy that they did not do so.  This video is kind of rough, but it is better than nothing.  This album can be listened to though here along with the well written article: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/25/magazine/25national-t.html 

And of course it can be found on some torrent site.  Below is one of my favorite sets’ of lyrics from the song:

“This pricey stuff makes me dizzy
I guess I've always been a delicate man
Takes me a day to remember a day
I didn't mean to let it get so far out of hand
I was a comfortable kid
But I don't think about it much anymore
Lay me on the table, put flowers in my mouth
And we can say that we invented a summer lovin' torture party”

“I'm too tired to drive anyway, anyway right now
Do you care if I stayed?
You can put on your bathing suits
And I'll try to find something on this thing that means nothin' enough”

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hubble Telescope’s 20th Anniversary

Today marked the Hubble Telescope’s 20th Anniversary of being up in space.  This video is damn nerdy haha, but it goes through everything that the telescope has done in its lifetime.  Also here is the link for the official press release.  Pretty cool!  http://www.hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2010/13/full/

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chris Matthews and Bill Maher

These are two of my favorite people and they both know exactly what they are talking about.  An added bonus as always are the Matthews’ “HA’s”.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Neko Case – This Tornado Loves You

I have been listening to this song nonstop as of late.  I would like to go see a show of hers in some remote place surrounded by mountains or something.  Her voice just seems like it comes from there.  At any rate I like live performances, so I may as well post this bad boy.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Magnetic Fields and Your Brain

I found a pretty interesting article on Discovery News about how magnets and magnetic fields can effect how the brain works, specifically moral judgment.  There could be some interesting and scary possibilities with this.  Here is the link: http://news.discovery.com/tech/magnet-brain-morality.html

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ben Kweller – Nothing Happening

I know this song is nothing new, but somehow I have missed out on a bunch of his music so I took it upon myself to listen to all of it.  This song definitely stuck out to me though, and its really funny how he asks for the lyrics halfway through the song.  It definitely reminds me of one of those Elliott Smith stumbles, minus the fact Ben is surely not fucked up on something.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

High Violet

The National - High Violet

If you go to www.highviolet.com you can now download a high quality version of Blood Buzz Ohio by The National.  Also on the site they have the track listings.  So here they are as follows:


  1. Terrible Love
  2. Sorrow
  3. Anyone’s Ghost
  4. Little Faith
  5. Afraid of Everyone
  6. Bloodbuzz Ohio
  7. Lemonworld
  8. Runaway
  9. Conversation 16
  10. England
  11. Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vinni PUH

This is something special right here as you dogs know.  For anyone else, this is the Russian version of Winnie the Pooh.  And it is quite hilarious especially if you are in a state.  I know I’ve been caught acting ridiculous in a terrible tin can laughing loop.  Pooh is such a little dick in it! hahaha.  At least I know Follmickles is with me on this one.

Monday, March 15, 2010

About… TODAY

So before I have to drive all the way down to San Jose I had to listen to the best version of this About Today.  I know all I do is post National songs, but hey i love em daddday - IF ya will haha.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tarkio – Devil’s Elbow

I stumbled upon this song while I was listening to Pandora off my phone in the shower.  No my phone was not in the shower with me, but here is what I was listening to.  I’ll have to get more into the band itself, but this song is great.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The National – Terrible Love Live

When it comes to The National news, I will always be on top of it.  The other night they played on Jimmy Fallon’s show on NBC.  I figured that I would give it a little rub on this here blog. I can’t wait for the new album release in May, entitled High Violet. Other than that listen away and be dazzled.  I can’t wait for some high quality studio audios of these!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Astrology needs to go away already

If you have not already figured it out, I am a big fan of Carl Sagan.  I just really relate to how he thinks.  So yesterday I figured that I would put on an episode of cosmos.  Why not.  I am not going to explain this one much and just let him do it.  No one can explain science or common sense like this man.  So for your viewing pleasure, here is my dog.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

2012 Bullshit

So I did promise to post something about these idiotic 2012 claims.  Here it is, from some people who actually know what they are talking about, scientists!  NOT people trying to make money.  You damn hysteria creators.  I am for some conspiracies and all, but come on, use some common sense.  Gosh I sound so hateful.

Also here is a large PDF with additional information: http://www.astrosociety.org/2012/ab2009-32.pdf

So enjoy once again, and take that!  A two posts for one day!

Mathmagic Land

Everyone has those teachers that they love from school.  If anyone ever had Mr. D in highschool you will know what I’m talking about when it comes to Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land.  I found every part of this little flick on YouTube, so have at it.  Learn a little bit about math daddays.  Maybe you will even be able to hussle some people at the pool table.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Earthquake in Chile / Tsunami Warnings in Hawaii

Another earthquake, this time in Chile.  It had a magnitude of 8.8, which is a pretty sizeable quake. 

People have already began to blame this on global warming and 2012.  In fact it is really the opposite way around.  In Earth’s earlier stages, plate tectonics had a lot to do with warming up the planet.  But now there is actually evidence that global warming could slow down or even stop plate tectonics.  See article: http://www.physorg.com/news129822894.html

The evidence is rather preliminary, so I would not jump too far either way on this, and I would NEVER blame this on 2012.  Actually that is going to be my next post, because I cannot take any more of that idiotic rumor full of half truths.  Actually miniscule truths.  Chile has had a big history of earthquakes, so this is really not a surprise.  Hawaii could be hit bad with tsunamis, but hopefully both of these countries are prepared, as once again they are prone to these kind of disasters.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This article says it all. LOL.


All credit to MSNBC.  Just spreading the word.



Friday, February 19, 2010

A National set for YOU

All credit goes to Bludevil33’s YouTube page for this one.  Some pretty high quality videos of new National songs, along with a couple classics.  I really love About Today, it is one of my favorites.  And I love that first bumping dog.  It is just too bad not all of Mr. November is present.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

That is a good Baldwin

Yes this is old, but I recently read a magazine article on Alec Baldwin and it really made me like him.  I wish I could remember the magazine.  Sorry for the partial information, but maybe one day it will come to me.  However I like a smart funny lefty, which is Alec Baldwin.  I guess is this about as close as I can get to give you a take on how he feels on political issues.

Really Oprah

So I’m not exactly sure how Oprah could have screwed up mistaking his birthmark for a kiss.. REALLY!   You would think that someone would have went over this with her before she made a fool of herself.  Doesn’t a talk show host have to get a run down, like a basic history lesson of the person before they do an interview?  I have too many questions and not enough answers, but I’m all for her screwing up.  That sounds horrible, but I do feel bad for Drew Brees.  It is a good thing he is a nice guy!  I do love that Oprah shriek though!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

We all have a crocodile inside of us

This guy just does it for me.  No homo.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Portly Luke Wilsons

So here is a little comparison, Luke Wilson on these new At&t commercials vs. Luke Wilson in his younger years in The Royal Tenenbaums.

I mean he still looks good just a little portly.  Mutt knows.  Yes that scene is a bit graphic, but hey look how nice it is shot.  Plus anytime there is some Elliott Smith playing in the background it is an added bonus. Great movie and enjoy.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How bout them apples

A great scene from one of my favorite movies.  It is pretty much self explanatory.  These guys need to write some more scripts though!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A penny now matters?


After I finished work for the day, I happened to stop by Arby’s.  I was in the mood for one of those beef and chedders.  So once I got my plate and and sat down I began to dig in.  As I was dipping one of my curly fries into some ketchup, I thought I saw a $1 off coupon.  But then I took a second glance and realized it was a 1 cent coupon!  Is that even worth the money used in ink to print that? Or am I missing something here?  And who would use a 1 cent coupon?!